Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Research In International Audiences

I have conducted research into International Audiences in order to determine if my media piece can be branched out to more than just an English-speaking dominated audience, I first had to research into which countries the film 2012 was broadcast as this film links strongly with the my film as there is a lot of intertextual references.  The countries I have found it was distributed in and most popular with are:

  • Buglaria
  • Greece
  • Malaysia
  • Taiwan
  • USA

So, I know that my film could be shown in these countries and they would have access to the intertextual references used.  I also discovered that the film 2012 was actually banned in North Korea, this means that releasing the film in N. Korea would be in-effective as it is legal to view the film or even to own a copy.  This means that in turn the references in my film would not be understood and has the potential to also be banned as it places a negative spin on the year 2012 (which is why it was banned in N. Korea as it is the 100th anniversary of Kim ll-sung)

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